Shanty: about


We wanted official sales data, but for all states except NSW that data isn't effectively available to Australian citizens or Australians starting new businesses, despite what we pay in taxes for processing property sales (stamp duty). We sincerely spared no effort:

State Cost & conditions Comment
NSW Openly shares data in accordance with NSW's Government Open Data Policy. They're doing a great job!
VIC >$300K/yr, if selected from an unpublished sourcing process occurring once every four years. Directly contravenes Victorian Government data policies.
It took four months of asking multiple gov departments to learn of this process.
TAS $~535K for historic + $~80K/yr, if selected from an unpublished sourcing process. Section 5.2 asserts we can't share the sourcing document, so we've linked to a nearly identical version openly shared by the TAS gov.
QLD $19,977/yr
NT $30,915/yr, if selected from an unpublished sourcing process. Pricing advised in email.
SA $~275K/yr or $5.453 ex GST/sale record, if selected from a sourcing process. Pricing advised in email.
ACT “We have at least 10 or so years of historic data. The data isn’t openly available unfortunately, the clients that receive the data are on a contract and pay a yearly fee. There would be a cost for each year of data that we would provide for historic data” This quote was the only info received after months of emails. No replies were received to subsequent emails.
WA Pricing table suggests components of data are charged separately, with total prices ranging from $10.5K-$1.1M/yr, if approved by a sourcing process.

We found these arrangements extremely opaque and confusing, so if we've got any of this wrong or if you have any ideas on how we can get official data, please get in touch!

We resorted to scraping non NSW data from a Chinese website,

Incorporates or developed using G-NAF © Geoscape Australia licensed by the Commonwealth of Australia under the Open Geo-coded National Address File (G-NAF) End User Licence Agreement.

We're new to programming and this is our first website, so please send feedback!